Weight Control

The Virtual Gastric Band

The Sheila Granger Virtual Gastric Band is a weight loss system that draws on the concept of a "virtual" gastric band combined with clinical hypnosis. It utilises the ability that every individual has to make changes that benefit their lives.

What is The Virtual Gastric Band?

* It is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain you to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food.

* It helps you to change how you think about food and it gives very safe and consistent results.

* The clinical hypnotherapy persuades the brain that the stomach is full after a certain amount of food, so there is no need for excess.


* We focus on helping you to reconnect with your body's natural appetite control so that you eat to live, rather than live to eat.

* We help to address the underlying issues that lead to weight gain so that your weight loss is permanent.

* This is not a diet as diets can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, failure and self punishment, which can lead to more weight gain.

* This is about a permanent change in your relationship to food and your body.

* With our program, you learn to address your emotional needs so there is no need for excess food in your life.


* We can all have "shoulds" about exercise ("I should go to the gym, I should go for a run etc"). These "shoulds" can hang over us, making our lives uncomfortable, leading us to feel shame and guilt. There are simple ways to fit excercise into our lives in ways that suit our individual lifestyles.

* This program is about helping you to find ways to excercise that you can fit into your day and to help them to become habitual through the use of hypnosis and NLP.


* Quite often excessive weight is not the problem but the symptom. With deep hypnosis, we discover what the problem is and disconnect it from the emotions attached to food. This clears the way for our clients to take full control over their health and lose weight.

* Remove old unhealthy eating habits and replace them with new ones so that you don’t have cravings for comfort food.

* Break down old dysfunctional beliefs and replace them with new, positive and empowering beliefs.

* Break the compulsion cycle for food when you are not hungry, and the feelings of guilt afterwards.

The program takes 4 sessions.

" I come from a family where food has always been a big focus and I had lost contact with the feelings in my stomach that told me when I had had enough to eat.  Through your help, I could tell when I was hungry and when I was full and I found I could leave food on my plate. I now eat what I want, but in quantities that are right for my body. I have lost weight naturally and I feel fantastic! The best thing is that this new relationship with food is permanent. I like the way I look and I like myself. I enjoy being me and that’s the greatest gift anyone could ever have. Thank you so much!" Ms C. Business Owner, London

"Hypnosis Works has re-educated the way I think about food and health. I don't crave chips, crisps, cakes or bread like I used to!" Our client, who was 16 stone 7lbs, found our programme easy to implement.

"It's the easiest way I have lost weight. I have lost 21lbs in six weeks and I can now get into clothes that are two sizes smaller. It has really changed how I feel about myself." Mrs L, Housewife, London


Call Melissa on 07903 741255 who shed 5 stone in 1990 and has been her ideal weight ever since.









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