
What Makes Hypnotherapy So Effective?

Even the most well kept lawn has weeds. Imagine your symptons or problems as the weed in this analogy. The grass has good roots, but the weed's roots go much deeper. That is why if you try to remove a weed by cutting it off, or pulling it up, (and you don't get out all of its root) it is most likely to come back even more virulent.

Some treatments just deal with the behaviour or the outward symptom, which would be like mowing the weed. In the short term you might feel better, like going on a diet and losing the weight, but then the weight returns, because the real cause of the excess weight was never eliminated. Then you feel frustrated, and may even gain more weight.

Hypnotherapy done properly will remove the problem at the "root" by helping the client to see or experience the situation, thought or idea that started the problem differently. If the root is removed, then the problem ceases to exist!

"Your determination, commitment and persistence got me through problems which other people couldn't touch! I'd been everywhere before you helped me to sort myself out. I'm so very grateful to you" Ms Green, Business Owner, Hampshire

Hypnosis: The Facts

Forms of Hypnotherapy


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